Saturday, September 29, 2007

My Group Experience

During the exercise in class on disecting Dave Eggers essay To Serve or Fail, I found it difficult to try and distiguish between the concession and the opposition and rebuttal. I did find, however, that working in a group definatley helped me to understand the differences once I knew what paragraphs they were. I also found that in the essays that we have read in class that being able to distinguish between the different paragraphs is going to be a tedious task just due to the fact that not all the parts we were trying to find are going to be in every essay. I did find this exercise helpful and interesting though just because it helped me to understand a writers argument. This also provided an outline for me so I didn't have to keep reading the essay from beginning to end four or five times to get their point. All in all this exercise was fun and informative.

1 comment:

Jenn said...

Yes I agree it will make an essay easier to read once you can follow an outline. I usually had to do what you said read it around five time to get what the essay was about. This assignment has made it easier to understand essays faster.