Thursday, September 13, 2007

Expectations for the Semester

It's only the second week of classes and I am already feeling anxious and stressed. Coming from the L.P.N. program in 2006, where all the classes led to the same general purpose, to being enrolled in the Arts program, where I am taking a series of classes that may or may not overlap ideas and theories, is very un-nerving. I also feel that I am not getting a good grasp on the "main concepts" in certain classes due to the lack of time spent in class. Ever since high school I have been moulded around 1 1/2 hr - 2 hr or longer classes where there was time to ask questions and spend time going over concepts thouroghly. Rather than now, spending 50 minutes in class hearing a straight lecture, someone asking maybe 1 or 2 questions, and even then not getting through the material elotted for that class. Thus leaving most of the learning to me at home with 60 pages to read a class, in a book that goes way too far into detail so by the time I have read the chapter, the main concepts have evaded me. Not to mention trying to "actively study" by using the CD's in the back of the books. You can definatley kiss all my freetime good-bye. All I am expecting from this semester is that I pass all my courses with a relatively decent grade and without an anxiety disorder to show for it.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

without an anxiety disorder to show for it? You are so right! It's been only 3 weeks since the semester started and i already got panic attacks for the upcoming tests. yup, i have kissed my freetime goodbye too.. college has officially taken over my life.